It was just a couple years ago that I graduated from CEF's Children's Ministry Institute. While there I remember having a conversation with some people about the challenges of raising support. I learned that in some CEF chapters in the States you don't have to raise support because that is the responsibility of the board. I remember saying to my friend Todd (who didn't have to raise support), "I wish I didn't have to raise support. That's great that you don't have to worry about it." To my surprise Todd responded, "Sometimes I wish I had to raise support. Because sometimes when I need that extra boost in support or have prayer needs I have no one to turn to. But because you have to raise support you have people you can turn to when you have these needs."
Being a missionary has it's challenges, and there are days when I think life would be easier if I didn't have to raise support and had a "regular paying job". But then I think, my kids wouldn't have the opportunity to hang out at camp every summer, come to Saturday programs, and be around the inner city kids and Christian youth that I have come to grow and love. I am sure being in this type of environment has really contributed to the spiritual growth of my kids and their sensitivity to God's heart.
From time to time people will remark about spiritual depth of our kids but I know I can't take any credit for it. When I stop and think why it is our kids are sensitive to God, I realize it's because of the supporters who pray regularly for our family, supporters that I would never have if we weren't missionaries. Having such amazing people pray for us might be the single greatest blessing of being a missionary and something I wouldn't trade for anything and makes the sacrifices worthwhile.
So to everyone who prays for us and our kids, thank encourage us so much and are truly making a difference.
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